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Children being enrolled in the school should be from Christian homes, or homes which desire to practice Christian values.


Our fees are set each year to provide a high quality but cost effective education for your child. Our fee structure includes generous discounts for additional siblings, and are adjusted for inflation each school year. 


Fees are inclusive of textbooks, workbooks, government testing, sport, activities, local excursions, school visits and other miscellaneous items. Fees do not include the cost of major excursions or school photographs.


Fees are set for the school year, but may vary at the school’s discretion. Wherever possible, three month’s notice will be given. Our “Fees Policy” is available on request from our office.


Financial needs are treated with compassion and in strictest confidence. Parents should never allow the issue of fees to be a reason to deprive their children of excellent, Christ-centred, Christian education. Application for Fee Subsidy must be made in writing to the Liberty College Council, Attention: Mr James Ardill.


Further information can be obtained from our office on request.


Held in August



=61 412 476 529

"The teachers and staff go above & beyond their duties. They care for and love the children and the children love them. This is a wonderful school!"

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